Punk I read some of your past posts, in one on C.Os you mentiond Ray Shaw was a narcissistic personality. This saddened me, because your summination may now be true. However I knew Ray when he attached himself to my congregation as a special pioneer, and he was then a great bloke. ( I also noted he special pioneered with housing accommodation paid with tax payers money, which I felt was wrong, and is proof the organisation is only about money without principal) Anyway Ray's mother was a witness and he wasn't, he was a heavy drinker before he converted. Maybe this is why I have fond memories of Ray, he was still a normalish guy when I knew him.
Anyway to cut a long story short, he got promoted to be a C.O in Leeds, and the last thing he ever said to me was " write me with any good experiences you have in the field service" He was sincere in that, and a good guy. That was the last time Ray and I ever spoke. That is why I was saddened to read your comment, it made me realise how the lndoctrination and promotions in what ever capacity can and will erode away the good guy in us.
I am so pleased I chose happiness to being respected in the " Worldwide" organisation.